When you gaze a face, it is God’s face
When we look at other people’s faces, we are looking directly at God’s face. The human face has special muscles around the sensuals called mimetic muscles, 43 have been labelled/identified, craniofacial, Occipitofrontalis, Temporoparietalis, Procerus, Nasalis, Depressor septi nasi, Orbicularis oculi, Corrugator supercilii, Depressor supercilii, Auricular, ( anterior, superior and posterior) Orbicularis oris, etc.
Face 2 Face uses God Tools
Face to face contact causes a communication of a language without words learned from first baby to mother gaze on.
Face to face contact must not be lost, it is key. We have an expansive essay on this in drafts (I have over 200 in there, 700 published on our blog), I will complete it from this impetus and link you.
Billions of codes Comm God Tool
Our spoken and heard speech has variations of thousands of codes of a communication ‘language’ within it. It is a learned communication tool but not of words. It is memorized and associated to all human aspects like location, sensation, emotion, survival and so on. Our receiving and transmission of this ‘language’ becomes our uniqueness, our seasoning comparison against all others.
The 7th is in control
The 7th cranial nerve is the facial nerve, which exits the cerebral cortex and emerges from your skull right in front of your ears. Then splits into five primaries: temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular and cervical. These reach the face and allow enervations to twist and contort the face using your brain/heart function and your will.
The number of facial muscles and ability to exploit them varies greatly from 2 to 1 across populations. It will be covered in our upcoming essay. Ignorance is winning most battles today.
Faces Spill All
In our face we express even more profoundly and that also is a ‘language of gods’. It is learned and then associations are made through interpreations, contemplation and experiences along with peer approval and disapproval.
62–26 frown muscles vs smile muscles needed. Our face and speech transmits packets of data that can be received and built on. We make these muscles by exerting inward or outward application to these muscles we have learned to use so effortlessly.
Stan Lee tried to tell us with Thanos. His coming could not be stopped- not by a god (Thor), not by technology (Iron Man), not be brute strength (Hulk), not by magic or potion ( Scarlett Witch and Doctor Strange ) or collective will (Black Panther). I could go on, but if you don’t get the point by now you are asleep at the wheel. The destiny is coming at us.
Mirrors show opposites
When you look in the mirror, you DO NOT SEE A MIRROR IMAGE. It is a counter or opposite of you, a fake!
In your two hands, you may see a mirror of yourself in those two hands. Exact mirror. You will NEVER see your mirror of your face. NEVER! Only another can see your face as a mirror.
Exploit your powers
By being adepts at this language tool that works without words, we can contract or expand (inward/outward) our face muscles. This effort produces many variations of thousands of different messages that provide cues to our overall emotional state, insta/auto feelings about the immediate situation, our mental well-being, personality, mood, physical health, credit-ability and “do we view others as creditable”.
Kevin and Nina reading this article to video on our Youtube channel. Thank you! “Science Proves Your Face is God’s Face” 8:10
When we look outside our skin and at the cosmos we are witnessing the inside of ourselves ‘unwrapped’. We walk as tightly wrapped Universes. Our narrow minded journey has caused us to forget the big picture.
When we look at our inner self we see a shadow. It is the shadow of self-conscious, blaring loud rock music (life/death, worldy, sensual, emotional affairs) and this business is ‘hiding’ the subtle ‘all power and intel consciousness’ pervading all and the Universe wherever ‘dark matter’ is declared and everywhere else too. We are living inside god consciousness as individuated ‘god beings’. We are in a trinity. 1, 2 3.
Full article here: https://creation2completion.com/2022/11/24/mirror-mirror-watts-to-fear-yah-face2face/
Our latest YOUTUBE video: calling out, the child who is called out to play and look into the faces of other children…when we look at other faces we are looking at gods face…
1–9 and the letters have sounds, meanings and influence on our lives in non-mysterious ways once you decide My Story is to find Mastery of Mystery.
Free 5 Min read to decode numbers and letters 1–9 Creation2Completion:
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